Let's create the change that we want to see in the world
About Us
Guided by the idea to convert Bulgaria a better place to live and united by an active civil conscience, we gathered several relatives and friends with different professions – engineers, doctors, economists, PR specialists in 2007 and decided to create a joint non-profit association for public benefit.
The main goal we have set is the creation and development of projects and initiatives to support the economic, social and cultural development of the regions in the country. We registered the association with the name ” Initiatives for local and regional development ” (ILRD), and the commitment of each member of the association is to initiate and develop ideas within their education, interests and experience. A wide range of priority areas for action have emerged and each of us striving to keep nature clean, history and tradition preserved, education encouraged, young people to be given opportunities for realization or simply to make the world a better place to living for future generations.
Through active interaction with socio-economic partners at local and regional level, we focused our activities on supporting children and youth, entrepreneurs, the unemployed, minorities, disadvantaged people and others.
Prevention and health protection of young people
Environmental protection
Employment and entrepreneurship
Tourism, life and culture
Development of mountain routes in the country
Route preparation, travel arrangements, reservations
Consultations on projects funded by the EU and other donors
Development of project proposals. Project management. Support in reporting project activities.
Creative ideas
Complete design identity of the project. Texts and advertising messages. Design and production of printed and other types of advertising materials. Souvenir advertising and other communication materials accompanying your project. Design of banners and information boards. Branding of offices and event spaces.
Complete marketing service of your projects
Preparation of strategy and planning for information and advertising activities according to the topic of the project. Preparation and organization of events with budget preparation and management. Measurement, control and reporting of campaigns. Social media marketing - content creation, maintenance of FB pages and profiles, advertising in online channels.
The experience of the Association are in the following projects:

At the end of 2022, the Association "Initiatives for Local and Regional Development" implemented the project "The future of the Earth - in the hands of children!"
with funding organ program ” Politics for youth in the field on the environment environment ” of Ministry on the environment environment and waters , fulfilled through Regional inspection by the environment environment and waters – Shumen .
The aim of the project is Yes raise knowledge on adolescents by attitude on the problems on the environment environment on modern times , like them encouraged through aware measures and decisions Yes looking for ways for theirs overcoming and mitigating .
Oh the basics activities on the project are : development of 6 interactive lessons by ecologically education , teaching on the lessons at school and organizing on two count eco festivals Yes _ save Earth “, which everything held at the end on month November .
Participants in the initiative were students in high school stage (8,9, 10 and 11 grades ) in 2 schools on the territory on Shumenska and Targovishtka district – PPMG ” Nancho Popovich ” , town _ Shumen and PGSS Nikola Pushkarov ” , town Popovo .
Po time on the interactive ones lessons the youth were caused Yes they answer on questions like what _ means the concept of ” Zero ” waste ?, ” How Yes reduce the waste from everyday life ?”, ” Why is it important Yes we keep water ones resources ?, “ How we can Yes let’s help for reduction on the harmful ones emissions in the air etc. ?
The students learned that _ the plastic can Yes everything recycle maximum 1 time , the paper between 5-7 times , and the metal and the glass repeatedly . All students memorized the 5 principles on sustainable way on life , namely :
Principle 1: Give up all !
Principle 2: Reduce !
Principle 3: Reuse !
Principle 4: Recycle !
Principle 5: Compost !
Through demonstration and role playing games , the youth understood that _ they can Yes everything refuse from things , from who do not have need , they felt that they can Yes reduce consumption , and from there and the waste that generate , they realized that it is a lot important the waste Yes everything collect separate , for Yes everything they use repeatedly .
Po time on eco the festival the students from PGSS ” Nikola Pushkarov ” , town _ Popovo and PPMG Nancho Popovich ” , town They had noise opportunity Yes passed through different activities conservation related _ on the environment environment . The youth participated in eco cooking workshop , _ time on which you are they spoke for zero waste , as they prepared burger from the crusts on banana and candy from old cupcake . They succeeded Yes try how they work the presses for metal pitchers purchased under the project because they know that the metal can Yes everything recycle countless a lot times and it is important his separately gathering , as everything crush , for Yes everything collect more pitchers in the baskets for separately gathering on waste . The students participated still in eco quiz _ _ time on which you are they recalled the learned by time on the lessons conducted by the project , as for example how much times everything recycle paper , plastic , metal and glass , why is it important Yes save the water , yes we keep the soils clean and yes we use less _ _ the cars you are There was group sowing in 2 pieces trees and flowers in the yard on the school . Some from the youth they succeeded Yes everything include in the game ” Climate fresco “, from which they learned more information for climate and environmental issues _ environment

Partnership for sustainable tourism Strandzha - Sakar
financed by Interreg program for cross-border cooperation Bulgaria-Turkey with total budget 99 975,60 Euro, duration 15 months (07.09.2017 – 07.12.2018). The lead partner of the project is “Vishegrad” Tourist Association, Topolovgrad with partners: „Initiatives for local and regional development“ Association, Aytos, Bulgaria and 2 Turkish partners – “Thracian University” Foundation, Edirne, Forestry, Kirklareli.
Among the main goals of „Partnership for sustainable tourism Strandzha – Sakar“ project are to gain experience in networking between state institutions, research institutions and non-governmental organizations and to build capacity and acquire knowledge and skills of young people in the field of sustainable tourism and environmental protection.

NAPRED – Encouragement the Contribution of the Non-Governmental Sector to the Implementation of the Policies for activation of NEETs and LTU
is financed by “Good governance” Operational program with budget 85 730,40 lvs. ILRD Association participated in the project with partnership of Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
The project examined the reasons for inactivity of inactive and long-term unemployed persons, the prerequisites for their inclusion in the labor market, as well as possible ways of NGO participation in activating and integrating the labor market of these persons. Based on the collected information, an analysis of the results of the survey is prepared, which structure and assessment of the factors causing the inactive introduction of unemployed young people, analyze the opportunities for inclusion of these persons on the labor market and outlines the ways in which civil society structures can participate in solving these problems.
The project developed “Methodologies for effective employment of inactive unemployed young people up to 29 years of age and for the long-term unemployed” was developed under the project.

I want to fly (myself)
is a project financed by Operational program “Human resources development” 2014 – 2020 г. with budget 68 437,80 lvs. , duration 12 months and implemented by “Dechitsa” Foundation. Association „Initiatives for local and regional development“ participated in conducting of two-day trainings on personal development on 6 topics.
Twenty-five children aged 9-18, accommodated in family-type accommodation centers, were trained, most of them of Roma origin and other minority groups. The topics of the trainings, which were developed and organized by the ILRD Association are:
1. Personal skills for efficiency – self-control, self-confidence, organization of time, professional development planning;
2. Social skills and service – interpersonal understanding, cooperation with others, communication;
3. Skills for impact and influence – organizational awareness;
4. Achievement skills – achievement orientation, quality, accuracy, efficiency, responsibility for tasks, initiative, creativity;
5. Presentation skills – skills for presenting personalities, projects, cases;
6. Living in a multicultural environment – getting to know the differences in culture, way of life of different ethnic groups living in Bulgaria, in order to develop tolerance and empathy.
Association “Initiatives for local and regional development
- Aytos 8500, 3 “Veleka” str.
- imrr_ngo@mail.bg